The Pursuit of Innovation

AIS Technology, have been at the forefront of the Maltese business landscape for several years. Our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation in cutting-edge technologies. During a visit to our offices last week, the Minister for the Economy, EU Funds, and Lands, Silvio Schembri, recognised the pivotal role that AIS Technology plays in this endeavour.

“We are well aware of the importance of Artificial Intelligence and how it is becoming ubiquitous. AIS Technology is a clear example of what we are doing in our country,” said Minister Schembri at the end of the visit.

New technologies have given us the opportunity to grow and evolve. In recent years, we have shifted our focus towards artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. In this way, we employ these technologies to create solutions that reduce energy consumption and improve operational efficiency in various aspects of business.

Our commitment to excellence has not only allowed us to thrive but also to contribute to the advancement of our country’s technology sector. One recent example is the Smart Utilities pilot project, where we are testing out new technologies and their usability to national households. The project aims to determine how Artificial Intelligence can help consumers reduce their energy and water consumption. Another project we are currently involved in is the recently-announced Green Roof pilot project, which is testing the success of green roofs in Malta.

Commitment is key for AIS Technology to push the boundaries and embrace every challenge. Despite the hurdles we have faced over the years, we continue to invest in expanding our operations. As a family-owned business, we are resolute in our vision to grow further and leverage our expertise in technology to benefit other markets.

Ing. Darryl Schembri, General Manager of AIS Technology, said, “The key to our success has been our ability to adapt over the years. Today, our vision is to continue to grow, and we want to take everything we have learned in this sector and export it to other markets.”

We would like to extend our gratitude to the government for creating an environment where high-quality companies like ours can flourish in Malta. They provide essential support, ensuring that the youth in our country receive the training and education necessary to meet the ever-growing demands of the industry.